Sunday, January 1, 2012

January's Resolution: Be Happy

Phew! With this year coming to a close and the realization that a New Year is upon us, I have done a lot of reflecting. Unfortunately, most of my thoughts have been quite negative and that is not the way I want to start this new year. 

Every year over Christmas we visit a neighbor who puts on a light show timed to music. The kids love to do this and as I was enjoying the show I was filled with a sense of fleeting time. This is our fourth year enjoying this show and it reminded me how quickly the years pass by. Here we were, sitting in the car, listening to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra with LED lights flashing to the beat, and I'm feeling sentimental. What have I accomplished this year? What do I want for next year? Does it even matter?

The truth is it does matter. Accomplishments are made, not by giant leaps, but by baby steps. Little by little we become the person we are seeking. But in order to do this, we need to know what that person looks like. Who do you want to be? Where do you want to be? Or what do you want to be? I am a very impatient person and I get frustrated when things don't happen right away. But becoming something great takes time.

This year, instead of making year-long resolutions I plan on making month-long resolutions. Working on the little things that hold me back from being the person I desire. I have a tendency to bad-talk myself. I beat myself up mentally and continually think I'm not good enough. Not only is this ego-centric, and a waste of mental time, I feel it is a poor example to my children. I do not want them to follow my lead. So For January, whenever I feel those thoughts creeping, I will take steps to counteract them. Here are a few ways to combat them:

1. Make a list of everything that is wonderful. Instead of focusing on what you don't like, think about what you do. Do you have a great family? Do you have great eyes? Do you love your dog?

2. Make someone else feel good. Try volunteering, visiting a neighbor, or baking cookies for your kids. Seeing someone else have a smile on their face that you put there will make anyone feel cozy inside.

3. Get outside. There is nothing more refreshing than fresh air, sunshine, and nature. Many people suffer from low Vitamin D which not only contributes to depression, but can also lower our immune systems ability to fight infection. The sun is the best form of Vitamin D. Plan on being outside at least 15 minutes a day.

4. Write down your feelings. Sometimes our thoughts get all jumbled up in our heads and writing it down can help organize it. Once it's organized you may be able to work through some of it. And you may realize that some thoughts are just a waste of brain power.

5. Take a staycation. Look around your house. What do you have that's fun and doesn't require any money? Board games, puzzles, books, or video games. Some of our best family memories are playing the XBox 360 together. Maybe spend time at a playground, rake leaves together, or go rent a movie.

6. Express yourself. What do you like to do? Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our mundane routine that it's nice to bring in a new hobby.

7. Talk to someone. Find someone you trust and let it all out. There is nothing wrong with a good cry, and I promise you will sleep so good.

8. Blast some music. I love turning on "Girls Just Want to have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper and dancing my heart out.

9. Exercise. Not only is exercise good for you, it will also give you a rush of serotonin (the happy hormone). Plus, over time, you'll look better too.

10. Give hugs. They say 10 hugs per day lead to complete happiness.

How do you keep negative thoughts from getting out of control?

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